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Let There Be Light by YankeeKirby392 viewsAnd Light said, "When we find that meteow, we'w find Doctow Wahwee!"     (1 votes)

Drill Now Ask Later by GandWatch913 viewsIt can be a bit difficult to approach Drill Man... Seems he's a bit quick on the attack...     (1 votes)

DynamoMan EXE by Molletman246 viewsIt looks like quite a frightening form of DynamoMan EXE has been unleashed upon the world! Beware of its power!     (1 votes)

Worrying Fox by LTFC1992308 viewsI have a feeling he's worried about my piloting skills. I am TERRIBLE at Star Fox games.     (1 votes)

Solar Man's Secret by Ethan La575 viewsCould this be the true secret of Solar Man?..... Doubtful. He's bad, but not THAT bad. Ironically, Chill Man on Hard Mode reminds me more of Burner Man X)     (1 votes)

Screw It, I'm Lan Hikari! by GandWatch947 views......This seems completely in character for Lan in all honesty. He does have a nasty tendency of just charging in without any forethought X)     (1 votes)

A Raving Impulse by GandWatch841 views......Well, Rabbids are good at causing insanity, and seem to come from the moon.... distant relatives of yours, Reisen?     (1 votes)

Freaking Hardheads by Killergreymon271 viewsAh, Hardheads... one of my most hated viruses... They're always in the way, making me wait a moment.     (1 votes)

Upgrades by Simon313 viewsAs we all know, pallet swaps are stronger. That worries me on some of these...     (1 votes)

Comic #1 by tooney97294 viewsA quest for the ultimate shinies? I am intrigued!     (1 votes)

Roahm and his Car by LTFC1992315 viewsOoh, awesome! Total vehicular upgrade! My old car in Florida was a Chevy Cavalier. Same color, but yeah, this is quite an upgrade. Dragon Taxi Mk 2, fully operational!..... well I can dream, can't I?     (1 votes)

Roahm Balboa by LTFC1992406 viewsBecause going after Quick Man requires a training montage, running up steps, and inspiring music. BRING IT ON!     (1 votes)
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